The channels in USA on PC satellite TV showing have a bigger list, many many channels are there but some of them are here for quick view, they re offering really a good entertainment. I personally like it.
3BTV, CrimeFree.TV, AdventureFree.TV, Combat TV, AFTV Comedy, AFTV Sci-Fi / Horror, BYU TV, C-Span, CBC The National, CNN International, Daytona Beach Live, EWTN TV, eaTV, GalaxyUniverseTV, IMN, IndyFree.TV, Kulaks Woodshed, Mania TV, Music Plus TV, MysteryFree.TV,SCCtv Broadband, Shop NBC, UMTV 22, WCITV, Adult TV 2, Adult TV,ABC News Now,America One, Animal Planet,Babylon Blue,Bloomberg TV USA,Cartoon Network 2, Cartoon Network US, CBS WL TX, DayStar, Discovery Channel, eSports TV.
further information visit the website of PC Satellite TV.
Labels: ARD Tagesschau, Cyprus Sat, EskuvoTV, French TV, Liberty Mangas, National Geographic, Oh sama TV, Primocanale, Tele Capri Sport, Tele Grenoble, Tele Lyon Metropole